Like Jr. High Summer Camp all.over.again…
I think I am almost recovered from the madness of this past weekend.
two conferences, about total opposite blogging subjects, in two states.
my feet have not started cooperating with me again.
(might have been the dancing…)
Most things I heard was how short I actually was and how big my Texas twang was.
high fives all around.
I on the other hand thought everyone was a ton taller than their pictures portrayed…..
It was seriously the best weekend. ever.
I took better notes than I did in high school…go figure.
I met new people and peeps that I have been emailing and fb’ing for over a year.
Very surreal moments when people actually stop you and know who you are. I just stopped and stared at them, in total shock.
And my roomie. We are on constant chat every night. Catching up on ideas, projects, and very intellectual hilarious topics.
We had our coming to Jaysus moments on Thursday night, where we both let our introverts shine through and text each other asking who the other really was. ‘Are you really just a 59 year old man?’
Clearly Rachelle and I hit it off, so good that I could actually call her Rachel to make her face twist up ever so slightly….
I really did listen, husband I promise, through all the power tools and seo classes and making things grow grow grow.
Met some of the most fabulous bloggers that I constantly stalk follow.
(l-r, top-bottom: Sherry from Young House Love, Katie from Bower Power, Mandi from Vintage Revivals, Anna from Ask Anna, Sarah from Thrifty Decor Chick)
Seriously, these girls make you feel like you have been buddies fo-eva.
(Lindsay from Makely School For Girls and Chris from Just A Girl who was super sweet to make me feel taller than her)
Our little dancing Ryobi gang might have gotten a bit out of control, but it’s all good. And made the best friends from it…
(bottom right image: The twins from Southern Color, Kelly from The Lilly Pad Cottage, and finally got to hug and meet face to face, after talking on the phone and fb, Allison from House of Hepworths….she cracks me up)
There was even a little video floating around that involved a drill bit, who cares…I brought home a ton of tools.
IMG_2630 from Two Thirty Five Designs on Vimeo.
I was in the Ballard Designs Bookcase Challenge, pulling out the best Vanna eva.
(with Sonya from At Home With The Barkers)
The Best Sponsors
Annnnd photo booths….something has to be said when you make the front page of…
I was extremely sad to leave…headed out late Saturday night to Austin.
Took in Classes all day at the Texas Style Council 2013.
I actually met these girlies.
Basically died.
And stuttered, to no end.
It totally revamped and re-motivated my way of thinking for my blog.
If you are on the fence, don’t be. There are no words to describe the feeling about being with other chicks who do the same thing that you do.
Want more pics? View here on Instagram