After years of saying that I would tackle the now 14yearold’s room, I finally painted the space and tackled one wall with a bit of art.
Sharpie Art that is 🙂
We both knew that it needed something large and impactful, but wanted it to be clean, not cluttered and transitional.
Oh, and not break the bank since we still have a lot to tackle for him.
I painted three walls a pure white and threw a solid black on the ceiling and the far wall that his desk will go on. We talked through ideas for weeks, which lead into months and soon a year followed. So while I rolled on the paint a few weekends back, he sat in the floor and we went through ideas.
We settled on just using a sharpie and draw on the entire wall. Pretty subtle, right? 🙂
But we kept it light and threw in a few metallics for a bit of transition.
I grabbed two black sharpies, three metallic sharpies, a ladder and a piece of crown molding.
After a couple of hours, a few kids, the husband and a dog later….(lots of dancing, hitting each other with the crown molding, standing and laying around), we had our finished wall art. And a happy teenager 🙂
We shot a quick time lapse of the project, easy peasy
Digging the contrast between his ceiling and the wall.